Years back…
What was I thinking? I was aboard a plane heading for France with no knowledge of the French language and no place to stay. I musta had guts! What I did have was the dream to become a chef, a caterer, anything food related and I figured going to culinary school would polish off my cooking skills and give me the credentials I needed.

Although I was a seasoned airplane traveler, I had never been on a nine-hour flight overseas. My trepidation diminished the minute I sat down – next to a priest! Feeling safe with no crashes in the forecast, I fell asleep for the entire flight. The minute I landed, my life as a free spirit and adventurer began.

From my journal I write, “Prices are outrageous. A tiny two bedroom flat is $600 a month plus utilities. Greg Usher, the director of La Varenne, the culinary school I would attend, found it. His friend who went to La Varenne lives here, Anna and her friend Arabella, so there’s three of us. The girls are really friendly – both English.” I shared a tiny bedroom, with fireplace, in a tiny flat in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. I was about to get the European education that would fire my passion for all things food. From my roomies, I learned how to eat goat cheese, appreciate champagne and negotiate politics with their British friends.

My life felt like a movie – classes all day, good company at night and weekend jaunts to wherever my Eurail pass would take me. Everything changed. The old me was gone. I was now a world traveler and true foodie and dubbed myself a Free Spirit.
To be continued….
Ciao for now,
Marie, Maria, Mary
This is wonderful. Do you realize you have an outline for a novel in this post. Everything you include is a scene, a story line. YOU MUST write a book based on this ‘character.’ I love her already…the age when all possibilities are ahead.You have lived the story and can write from that time in your life with passion and excitement. Would you consider this? I REALLY think you should. It is YOUR story to tell to be shelved in travel, YA, women’s fiction, Food…for starters. What do you think?
Gee thanks Stepheny! Yes I would LOVE to write a book and have thought of it many times. I guess I needed to gain confidence with this blog. I really appreciate your vote of support. I would love to network with you more on this idea. Thank you for making my day!!
Ditto, Stepheny!!!!
Wow, that is so cool. I wish we had been friends then and you had dragged me along with you!
Beautiful photos. As usual – smile. They take me to Paris. You had the heart of a traveler and explorer even then… Viva la France!
Fauchon is one my favorite places on Earth. I kept the little pink box some treats came in and use it as a jewelry box on my dresser. I have never had such wonderful macaroons as their lemon pistachio ones.
What a wonderful memory and souvenir! I went in there often just to shop with my eyes. It’s so nice that someone else remembers this special place and the artisan food they create. Thank you so much for sharing!